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Stop AAPI Hate

Only 7 out of 50 US states have Asian American Pacific Islander history as a part of the mandatory curriculum.


Anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander hate crimes have been on the rise since the onset of the global pandemic, increasing by 339% last year compared to the year before.


Studies have shown that "after age 9, racial attitudes tend to stay the same unless the child has a life-changing experience." 

The Insight: The only vaccine for AAPI hate is education. 

Project Type: Integrated Campaign

CW: Ashley Carrillo & Nicolle Valencia 

AD: Tram Cu 

Illustration: Emma Riutort & Emma Stark 

The Big Idea:
The Care Package 

In collaboration with Stop AAPI Hate, our goal was to sneak an AAPI history textbook disguised as a children's picture book into school libraries.


The stories from each chapter will give details about significant events and figures within Asian American history. It will also be showcase what an America without Asian influence looks like. Each chapter will feature a different country's background and culture.


The book and promotions are to be launched in May for AAPI History Month. 

The Cover 


2-page Spread Mockup

The cover art direction incorporates different asian floral patterns and wildlife elements.

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Digital Spots


The campaign features an audio book to be featured on popular streaming services. Each chapter will be read by a celebrity from the same background as the chapter topic.


AAPI creators will stream live interactive readings of The Care Package to their audience and spread the word about the importance of AAPI history.


A mobile pop-up library set up camp at famous historic libraries all across the US where the audience can discover The Care Package and other titles by AAPI authors.


At The Care Package booth instead of a normal book signing, the audience will get a chance to sign petitions to make AAPI history mandatory for all public school curriculums.

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We wanted to include a book insert with a note to each little readers' parents. 

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